[GroupBuy] Your New Beginning – Level 5 Mentoring


What is Your New Beginning?

Your New Beginning is a counterintuitive approach to breaking you free problems that keep you stuck in life. 

We achieve this with our signature method called Spellbreaking.

Here’s how it works:

By asking yourself a set of simple questions, first, you uncover the REAL root of your problems.

This is critical because very few people know what this root really is. 

They have some thoughts and ideas on what it might be. 

But only by asking themselves these questions can they truly “nail it.”

Once you know the REAL root of your problems, you then ask yourself another set of questions. 

This set of questions helps you erase the root of your problems from your subconscious mind. 

It does it by getting you to question it and completely drop this harmful belief, trauma, or “block.”

This is how Spellbreaking frees you from your problems.

The entire process is easy to follow, and usually, people see the first outcomes in 2-7 days.

An Updated Version Of An International Bestseller

Your New Beginning is a new, updated version of my bestselling book called “Break Your Self-Help Addiction”

Which sold in over 100,000 copies and enabled me to help over 200,000 people from 84 countries.

This has led me to become a sought-after mentor and charge from $5,000 for a single session…

All the way up to $55,000 to spend 4 days with me in my healing facility in Hawaii.

And in the Your New Beginning book I’m not holding back on anything.

I’m giving you the same information my top clients pay big bucks for. — That’s why this book works for so many people.

Your New Beginning Is A Shortcut

Before I discovered Spellbreaking, I spent over 3 decades trying to improve my life.

I tried trauma-release sessions. And I tried to change my habits and beliefs.

Yet these didn’t bring me the result I wanted.

So then I looked deeper into work. That’s how I discovered religion, spirituality, and mindfulness.

I tried all the techniques I could find. I did the Law of Attraction, meditation, visualization, and energy work…

But still, my life remained an utter trainwreck of broken relationships, financial disasters, and suicidal thoughts.

Which meant that despite all my hard inner work, I was still stuck.

So after spending over $300,000 on books, sessions, courses, and coaching, I took a different path…

And developed Spellbreaking.

This process is designed to bypass your critical thinking and go right to the REAL root of your problem in your subconscious.

Then, it gets you to “reprogram” your subconscious by questioning your problem and seeing it in a new light.

That’s how Spellbreaking dissolves the root of your problem.

In other words, it dismantles your old identity…

While at the same time, installing a new identity of love, abundance, and happiness —

As a result your mind starts working FOR you — not against you…

And you can finally find relief from traumas, problems, and frustrations.

And this happens, you can consciously, with full control, create the life you want…

Because nothing is holding you back from doing it anymore.

See below on this page how it works in detail.

And here’s a simple snapshot that shows you how it works in a nutshell:

Here’s What This Means For You And Your Future

Millions of people want to change their lives — but often find that the tools and techniques they try don’t work.

And so they’re never truly happy, because they don’t get what they really want.

And they can’t become free from their traumas, patterns, problems, and frustrations…

Which often makes them lose hope they can ever change their lives.

And I was one of these people.

Let me tell you this this isn’t life. It’s pure hell on earth.

That’s why I took different approach and developed Spellbreaking…

And it was the only thing in 30 years that set me free from my misery.

Since then, I wrote this book to show people how Spellbreaking works…

And up until today, this technique has helped over 200,000 people from 84 countries to get what they really want.

How much this book can help you is entirely up to you. 

If you approach it with an open mind, follow it, and apply the simple steps I show you… You WILL see and feel the result.

Sales Page:_https://go.level5mentoring.com/your-new-beginning-book/

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[GroupBuy] Your New Beginning – Level 5 Mentoring

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